How to make arrows yourself

In order to make arrows with your own hands, you will need straight, dry branches about 80 cm long. It is ideal if, as a result, the arrow will extend 5 centimeters beyond your hand on the handle when you will draw the bow. The arrow diameter should be about 8 mm.

Bow and arrows

Next, you need to clean the branch from the bark, make it as smooth as possible. If it is curved, it can be straightened by slightly heating over the coals. In this case, the branch must be kept straight while the wood is cooling.

At one end of the future arrow make a cutout 5-10 mm deep - this will be the arrow nock for holding on the bowstring. The width of the recess should match the bowstring thickness.

The arrow point can be made in several ways. One of them - just sharpen the end of the arrow with a knife. You can also make the points of stone, metal or glass with triangular shape. To do this, make a recess at the arrow end, insert the point and fix it with a cord.

You can use the arrow without feather, but for better stability, use feathers that will attach to the back of the arrow. To do this, use glue or some thread, cord. It is worth remembering that for the manufacture of one arrow you need to use feathers only from the right wing, and for the other - from the left. Or just from the tail.